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6 Components of a Great Bio

A great bio is integral to getting your name out there by telling a story that is so captivating and engaging a media outlet can’t help but cover you.

There is almost a direct correlation between a great story and whether an artist will be covered. I’d love to tell you it’s all about the music, but the truth is that it’s only part of the story (excuse the pun). You can have a great song, but in a world where journalists are inundated with hundreds of bands per day and only listen to 4-5 of those, you need to set yourself apart.

These are components of a great bio:

1. What’s your story?

What is your band’s story that only you could tell? What inspires you to write and play? Do you have specific anecdotes that could emphasize your story?

2. Show, don’t tell.

I drill this into my team, because the truth is it was drilled into me in every journalism and writing class I ever took in college. A writer and editor doesn’t want to know you are the “the only band doing what you do,” they want to know how and why.

3. Ask yourself why you do what you do.

A great way to get to an interesting part of your story is to get to the root of why you picked up your first guitar, wrote the particular song, or made your album. What is your story within your story?

4. Sound.

How would you describe your sound that is both clear and captivating at the same time?

5. Selling points.

Look at ways you can establish credibility by including any successes you’ve had along the way. Have you shared the stage with any established bands, been featured in notable press, played a major festival or worked with a great producer?

6. Pop Culture.

A pop culture reference can create a great hook to draw in your audience. For instance, we once worked with a band called The Motion Sick whose album was inspired from a Twin Peaks reference, wrote their songs in a Kurt Vonnegut style, and had a song including a Konami code reference. These influences were not created to draw in media interest, but referencing them did just that.

Need some help getting started? Check out the bands on our roster for bio examples.

Green Light GO: Look at your existing bio through the eyes of a journalist. If you were receiving hundreds of emails per day would you want to know more about your band?

Sharing is Caring: Know someone who makes great music, but needs help telling their story? Send them this article.

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Your bio should also be a part of the bigger picture in how you’re branding yourself as a musician or band as a whole. We have a FREE media audit checklist to help ensure that your branding is on the right track to getting you coverage with media outlets. Click here to get your checklist.

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